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47 like 1 dislike
I often buy fixed matches.
(They don't always win, but the stats are high so I keep earning)
I would like to cut costs and save on buying matches. Recently, prices for fixed matches on legit services have increased.

I propose to exchange information.

As soon as I buy a match, I will post the result here.

It would be great if you do the same. We will help each other earn and spend less.
in Other by Newbie (437 points)

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21 Answers

1 like 5 dislike
Fools, don't eat this shit.

Come to my wall. Get what you want!
by Newbie (154 points)
0 0
Your website is scam though, i tested it already
0 0
kiss my ass!!!
what can you check? you a homeless tramp!
0 0
scam , our fraud