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25 like 0 dislike

1. Add avatar to your profile (dimension: 200x200 max)
2. Add Bio to your profile. Any text about you and your intensions here.

Maximum reward: 300 points.
Deadline: --.--.--

Once you completed this task, you have to leave a reply below to let
HiddenAgent check the completion. Thanks!

in Point tasks by Official (1.0m points)

Please log in or register to answer this question.

31 Answers

5 like 0 dislike
Mission completed
by Experienced (7.5k points)
0 0
The task is completed. +300 points
0 0
5 like 0 dislike
let's go!

I'm with you
by Active (2.4k points)
0 0
The task is completed. +300 points
4 like 0 dislike
I completed this task. Beyond the 200x200 requirement. The smallest image on my device after being cropped to only include the main part of the image is still over 100 pixels too big. I could just crop it to look wrong but meet the requirements, but I'll end up changing it back to what it is currently anyways right after I get the points if that requirement is really necessary.
by Advanced (4.0k points)
1 0
This task is for Upcomer (3rd) level users only.
0 0
I couldn't find the post showing the levels unfortunately. I'm not sure what level I am anymore lol
0 0
Just check your profile page next to "title", your level is also shown in red near your name when you post. You are "advanced" so that will be level 5.
0 0
Thanks. Do you have the levels list still? What was level 3?
0 0
It's under the tab in the header "HA Points", lever 3 would be Upcomer at 500 points. You are past that :)
4 like 0 dislike
Where can n00bs get started??
by Upcomer (819 points)
0 0
You can start from the rules.
4 like 0 dislike
I'm in. Admin, check my account
by Experienced (5.3k points)
0 0
The task is completed. +300 points
4 like 0 dislike
I will do it
by Active (1.7k points)
0 0
The task is completed. +300 points
4 like 0 dislike
I have been absent from the site for some time. There have been many interesting changes here.
Well, it will be interesting to try to participate.
by Advanced (3.2k points)
0 0
The task is completed. +300 points
4 like 0 dislike
I did it, could I get the stitches now?
by Newbie (237 points)
0 0
This task is for participants who have scored 500 points and received Upcomer level 3.
When you reach Upcomer level, write here about completing the task, we will give you bonus points.
3 like 0 dislike
I did this task too
by Active (2.8k points)
0 0
The task is completed. +300 points
3 like 0 dislike
I'm in

by Active (2.3k points)
0 0
The task is completed. +300 points