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So i have found in my house, a pack of sevredol which contain 20mg of morphine each.

Should i take them orally, crush them and snort, smoke ? do i mix it with something to get better results and more pleasure?
in Other by Newbie (223 points)

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4 Answers

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hey, a lot of interesting things await you... I’d like that too now
by Experienced (7.2k points)
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what do you mean
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Damn, i wish i were that lucky lmao
by Newbie (370 points)
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Probably taking them orally is the safest and easiest thing to do.

Idk about the dosage, i'm completely clueless lmao

About the mixing though? DEFINITELY AVOID IT. Mixing drugs is NEVER a good idea.
by Newbie (370 points)
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Look what they're substituted with, when choosing between smoking or ingesting I think ingesting grants a higher bio-availability, therefore more effect. Preferably take them when U haven't eaten otherwise it will take longer for the onset. Smoking may lead to a faster onset and also a more intense but shorter high. But I think smoking Morphine might not be a good idea because it can be a problem if it gets above 85 grad celsius, this will make the effects a bit weaker.
by Upcomer (685 points)