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So i need help about how to suicide fast and as painless it can be.

I thought about taking 30 (20mg each) morphine tablets, drinking some alcohol and going to lay on the train rails and wait for train to chop off my head to end my lazy stupid and unworthy life.

what do you think? is it a good idea or should i do it some other way?
in Other by Newbie (223 points)

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6 Answers

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One question has always bothered me.
Why don't people who want to commit suicide try to get at least some benefit from their death?
Let's say you decide to die.
OK. Do you have relatives or friends to whom you would like to wish well?

Why don't you insure your life and go to work as a mercenary in the war?
You will be an excellent soldier who is not afraid of death.
You will earn money and be able to save your savings. And when your life is interrupted, your loved ones will receive adequate compensation.

You might even become a hero.

What's the point of lying under a train?
You lived like an idiot and want to die like an idiot? Please explain the logic to me!
by Active (2.1k points)
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It takes courage. Whiners and crap *****agers talk about suicide. They are afraid to live. And dying is even worse. They just attract attention.
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you probably right
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Don't do it.
by Newbie (230 points)
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Bro at first you need a hug. Second go to a crowded place and shout

Third read a quran.

Fourth excercise

Fifth stop watching *****

Sixth life is precious bro

Seventh watch o e piece

Eighth  Please  don't sucide atleast

Think of your mom and dad how sad they will be if they find their son dead
by Guest (126 points)
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it seems as though you already have your mind made up. so, out of respect im not going to convince you to change your mind. you're a grown as man, at the end of the day if you don't want to try and live anymore that is your decision.

A fentanyl overdose inside of a locked room is not only the most humane way to go out, it can offer relatives some amount of piece knowing you died with no pain. I have overdosed on fentanyl and died (i was dead for 35 seconds). There was no vision, no dream and i do not remember anything. 0 pain and i only vaguely remember falling out. Falling out is the sesation users get when an overdose goes into effect. It is eerily similar to faiting or being knocked out, except there is an overwhelming sense of euphoria. Downside is you die of course, and you sweat intensely before you fall out.

I have provided you this information with no opinion on your actions. I don't care if you live or die. However, my life has changed since my overdose. I have genuine friendships, i have repaired my broken bonds and i am thankful to be alive. That is just my experience.

Happy trails, traveler.
by Newbie (180 points)
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Idealy don't commit suicide
by Advanced (4.3k points)
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what couldn't you survive?
by Active (2.3k points)