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I need assistance buying virtual phone numbers from middle east countries.

I know I can find some stuff on the clearnet, but I want to expend my database and get some more numbers from a vendor.

If anyone is familer with it, please let me know.
in Markets & commercial by Guest (123 points)

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4 Answers

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what country do you need exactly ?
by Upcomer (639 points)
0 0
From Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan
Numbers from that area
I tried to find virtual numbers over several forums but I could not find a site or something here.
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Why do you need these numbers because I can provide numbers from Egypt and any number you want
by Upcomer (612 points)
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use workers from that country .
rent their numbers
pay them

stay safe
by Upcomer (639 points)
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Yes, I can communicate via private messages
by Newbie (202 points)