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5 Answers

3 like 0 dislike
I don't think there's much activity here. That's not all. But perhaps this feeling is due to the lack of spam and dirty advertising. If this is so, then not much activity is more a plus than a minus.
Real people communicate here.
by Upcomer (516 points)
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by Newbie (468 points)
2 like 0 dislike
Yes it's quite active.
by Master (33.3k points)
2 like 0 dislike
Active, I recently became convinced of this myself. Plus, real people write real opinions here.
by Newbie (463 points)
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Hi  9247592724,

I would like you to take this message as an activity proof. The more time that we can spend the more activity will end up here.

Welcome and best of luck with your journey in the dark web.

by Active (1.6k points)