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Hello. I want to tell you my story.
Perhaps this information will be useful to you, and you can protect yourself from such mistakes.

Now I have reliable sources of fixed data. I also know how to bet safely and how much to bet. All this allows me to consistently earn on bets up to $2000 per month.

However, this was not always the case.
I have always loved sports betting and was passionate about it. At first I just bet money and tried to guess.
That's how I lost my first thousand dollars.
I won several times in a row. But then he always lost even more.

Rule 1. Don't try to guess. The betting system is smarter than you. The bookmaker will never let you make money instead of him. In fair bets, only the bookmaker wins.

Then I learned about fixed matches. I was very happy and wanted to make money quickly. I went to the dark web and found a site that offered to buy a fixed match. I immediately bought several and bet a large amount on each of them. Only one bet won. I lost a lot of money again.

Rule 2.
Don't buy on the first site you come across. Research information and compare sellers. Look for a reliable supplier.

I was upset and didn't know what to do next.
I decided to continue my search.
I bought fixed matches and bet the minimum amount. If the bid won, I made a repeat purchase from this seller. Finally, luck smiled on me. I bought several matches in a row and they were all correct.
I started earning money. In the process, I realized that even with a reliable supplier, not all matches are won. Errors and changes happen in any business. It is impossible to predict all factors. But that didn't stop me from winning more than I spent.

One day I decided it was time to hit the jackpot. I bought an expensive match with high odds. I bet a very large amount on it. I also told several of my friends about this match. I wanted them to do the same and share the profit with me in gratitude for the information.

This match was not won. The result was completely different. I lost almost $10,000.
I was broken and destroyed.
It turned out that many users bought this match. And everyone bet large sums. People who organize fixed matches found out about this and at the last moment the arrangement was changed.
Soon after that, the site where I bought it stopped working. Apparently the seller suffered losses and closed the business.

Rule 3.
NEVER try to make money on one bet. Never bet a large amount of money!

I have been inactive for a long time. On one forum I met a person who recommended me a seller of fixed matches. He said he uses it all the time. I was very surprised. I tried to buy from this seller before and my bid lost. I decided that he was a scammer.
My new friend explained to me that this is normal. One way or another, some of the bets lose. I was just unlucky last time.
Well, I decided to try again.
I still use this seller's services.

Rule 4: A fixed match is not a guarantee of victory. This is an increase in probability. Fixed matches also lose sometimes. This is fine. If you know and take this into account, you can have a stable profit.

So, let me summarize.
1. Do not try to guess and calculate the result of the match.
2. Find a reliable source of information. Try and check.
3. Never bet a large amount of money on just one match!
4. Fixed matches also lose. Take this into account. Distribute your bets evenly.

I hope I helped you, friends.
I wish you all great luck!
in Other by Active (2.4k points)

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10 Answers

5 like 0 dislike
This is an interesting story. Thank you.
by Newbie (425 points)
5 like 0 dislike
Your patience and will to win are worthy of respect. You are a true warrior in spirit. Many would give up after the first point.
by Experienced (7.5k points)
4 like 0 dislike
Cool, respect to you!
But believe me, this is not the limit.
I lost a lot more before I found the legit market on the darknet and started making a profit.
by Active (2.1k points)
1 like 0 dislike
Hi Synis,

Thanks for this long post that you give a guidance to every member of this community. But here you are contradicting with your previous post that you try to sell a fixed mach. You are explaining above all the uncertainty of the Fixed Matched and Betting.

Concerning your rank and points you have spent more time here than me. Instead of pulling other to down, let's make this environment better space to everyone.
by Active (1.6k points)
1 0
Could you explain what the contradiction is?

Yes, I’m saying that even in fixed matches there is a certain percentage of defeats. But this percentage is significantly lower than with standard forecasting.

If you follow the rules and don’t try to hit the jackpot, don’t be greedy and patiently distribute your bets, then you can easily make money from it.
1 0
You are offering really uncertain thing that you do not control or manage the outcome. Offering a risk to take to others is bad.

You may say that I am not offering for too expensive but you cannot know how much greed you are pumping to others with this offer. You are explaining your own journey here which is an amazing thing but in another post you are posting and offering potential failure path to others.

As you have mentioned in your reply people can be greedy and try to hit a jackpot, and you are creating this opportunity to them. If you have found a path you are free to follow but pulling or inviting others to the same path is not a good way.
1 like 0 dislike
it's amazing. I didn’t think there could be such complexities and subtleties.
What would you recommend in my situation? I was lucky that I didn't lose a lot of money. I found a site that sells cloned cards and have already placed several orders. There is a profit, but I would, of course, like more.
Should I try something else? Should I place more orders on this site? Or wait patiently?

Thanks in advance for your answer.
by Newbie (462 points)
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This is really useful information. There's a lot to think about. Why don't you tell us the legit site you are using?
by Experienced (5.3k points)
1 like 0 dislike
Nice. I wish to find a reliable site for fixed matches
by Guest (136 points)
1 like 0 dislike
Jesus Christ bro. What a sad story!
by Newbie (171 points)
1 like 0 dislike
Thank you friend! This is very useful information. Can you tell me where I can buy a fixed match?
I chose the Football Money website. Do you know if you can trust him?
by Newbie (311 points)
1 like 0 dislike
Gambling and bets are like a drug you get addicted to the sweet winnings.Sorry for your loss bro
by Newbie (424 points)