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three months ago, i moved to my grandfather's house in the forest with my family. while living there, I noticed the frequent appearance of stray dogs. i knew they could cause problems if ignored, but since our house didn't have *****ren, i didn't consider it an immediate threat. however, one months ago, we hosted a party with *****ren present. some of them were playing hide-and-seek when one ***** encountered the dogs, who savagely attacked his face. thankfully, he survived, following this incident, i decided to take care of the situation myself. i searched for an effective poison online and came across "Compound 1080," which i found it's name is sodium fluoroacetate, however purchasing it online required a lab permit, which I didn't have. similarly, searching the darknet proved fruitless, further research i found ricin could be another potential option, but it too required a lab permit. frustrated, i realized that in my country, buying pet poison involves signing a document linking you to any potential poisoning-related crimes. this concern also applies to owning guns, which are tightly regulated. acquiring either, especially with my current situation, would only make me uncomfortable, would anyone have any recommendations or insight on how to get any of these two are making them
in Other by Guest (123 points)

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