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I am 20 years old, my life would never have any direction because of all the barriers imposed on me by being born in South America.
For 6 years now I have lost hope in my future.
This is not an overnight decision, nor is it a tantrum.

I have tried to commit suicide but I'm a coward and I don't have the skills and possibilities.
If I had a good chance I would do it without hesitation but I don't know any contacts who would sell me weapons or anything like that.

Anyway, I would like to die as a hero giving my organs and/or blood to someone who needs it.
or maybe my flesh to some cannibal with an appetite.

But anyway, basically what I want is for someone to kill me in a quick and painless way. Preferably with sedatives and stuff.

If you are interested look at my profile and contact me.
in Other by Guest (144 points)

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5 Answers

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Simple question. A serious question. I’m a complete stranger to u. But I would personally like to give u money for a plane ticket to where ever. Start a new life. A new chapter. I understand you feel stuck. But I’d love to do what I can for you then same way I’d love the help to. I’m not saying u want help and I won’t force in upon u. But I’d love tocompletely switch ur surroundings and lifestyle for free. To have a good official refresh. A new start. A new beginning.
by Newbie (291 points)
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Thank you very much for your answer
I was a bit surprised, it's nice to know that there are people like that nowadays.

I don't think everything will be solved by just leaving.
Besides, I'm more the kind of person who would rather disappear than run away.
That's not to say that there are several other reasons than just a lack of opportunities for things that aren't here.

I don't have any talents or skills, I don't know how to do anything, I feel like a parasite, a weakling who gets sick all the time.
what is a man without purpose? or better still "with a purpose, but without the ability to achieve it"?

I don't see an artistic future here but neither do I see it feasible to run away because of how complicated it would be to organise it and all that it would entail. In any case, there is also the more than guaranteed discrimination. Plus I could end up being a burden to you or someone else.
I just want to rest... and not worry about financial problems, illness, personal and family problems, and well, absolutely nothing at all.

I really appreciate your empathetic response, but I think I should give up and hopefully one day the imminent will happen.
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Death is not the best way to solve your problems. there are always solutions to problems, death is not a solution but one more problem, I know it's easy to write this from my point of view and my position, but try to find solutions solution, try things, you only have one *****ing life, live it to the fullest even if it's easier said than done. There are always ways, solutions, suicide or death in general is not a solution nor a way to escape the problem.

by Newbie (209 points)
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i feel you more than you think. but i can tell you from the otherside that things can change the moment we let it change and allow ourself to see things diffirently.
i hated and hate living in this society (believe me the whole world is a one place) with backgrounds that i didnt *****ing choose b ut i still love life coz life is bigger and have very more to show us only if we allow it to.
one thing is so goddamn true that i can tell you that you are with your 20 yrs are in hard time but things gonna seem 360 grade diffirent with 25 and 35 and if you are telling the truth about what you are living and feeling right now, i garentee you that in 10 yrs you are gonna have so much power inside of you that you cant imagine right now..
and to comment your response on the comment of Aasntidmr, running away is suicide and leaving is exactly disepearing from a wrong situation.. move boy move forward..
by Guest (132 points)
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no no no no one  will do this
by Expert (23.8k points)
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I think this is very stupid. All people experience crises, losses, tragedies and all sorts of other crap. What's the goal? What will you achieve with this? What's the pleasure?
by Upcomer (539 points)