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I have access to a QR code of a bank account in the country that is considered the heart of South America and that QR code has a lot of money in that bank account. My question is it possible to modify with some special program or application this QR code with the information, account number and the amount of money in the account to be able to transfer it to another QR code or to another bank account. And if so, is it possible to sell all this information to someone who is interested?

in Job offers by Newbie (478 points)

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3 Answers

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As far as I know these QR codes are generated and containing signatures created by Public Private key pairs. The modification of the data part will not be enough unless you have the private key to create that signature field in the QR code next to the data. Therefore only changing the data but keeping the original signature will eventually fail the validation and verification logic implemented in the official web and mobile clients.

That barcode means nothing unfortunately without the signature private key.
by Active (1.5k points)
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There are suspicions that the idea is pointless. It is unlikely that the QR code will help you withdraw money
by Newbie (252 points)
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A QR code can contain any information....

you can make any digital information transform in a QR code...

Stay safe
by Guest (101 points)