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3 like 7 dislike
Times are hard. Are you a Parent or Close to a boy 5 to 14 and are struggling, lets chat. Contact me [email protected]
in ***** and shit by Newbie (169 points)

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5 Answers

1 like 0 dislike
Push, my contact info is still up to date.
ago by Newbie (169 points)
1 like 1 dislike
Push and added additional contact info on my wall.
by Newbie (169 points)
1 like 1 dislike
Crazy....you trying to buy boy smh
by Guest (133 points)
1 like 2 dislike
***** off degenerate pig.
by Active (1.6k points)
0 like 2 dislike
You should be put down like a rabid dog, simple as
by Master (33.3k points)