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Someone thought it was a good idea to steal from me, I'd like revenge ideas, any, I have the person's name, address, phone number, and even a voice recording of them. I also have family member's names and phone number.

Honestly I'm so mad it could be anything, I thought about sending them to jail for ***** detention or making them "do" something so illegal their life's *****ed, hiring a hacker to access more.... Any ideas are welcome if you know how to do it, thanks.
in Other by Guest (119 points)

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2 Answers

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How about cops? I don't know what they've done to you, but in my opinion revenge is the result of a broken ego. I mean you waste time and in worst case you waste a lot of money for this guys. And the family members aren't responsible for someones bad behavior so why you want to "***** their life's"?
by Potential scam or spam (99 points)
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Buy a metric ton of termites, then put them in there home. That'll show him
by Guest (121 points)