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Hello guys, anyone who wants to buy a cloned card making program, so let him communicate with me via this email

[email protected]
in Other by (52 points)

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4 Answers

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Dude, tell me more. What are you selling, how much does it cost and most importantly, what can I do with it? Will I need any special knowledge, equipment, or is there any risk involved?
by Active (2.1k points)
1 0
I clone cards so i can answer your questions

Im not sure if he is is selling just the software or selling the equipment as well but you can get the equipment on amazon

You asked if you will need any special knowledge, kinda but not really, you do need knowledge of the process of cloning because although its almost simple there's a very specific process to it

The equipment you will need is an omnikey, an msrx and a blank card

There is almost zerorisk but you do have to cover your face when you go to atms because of security cams
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This is interesting to me, I have very little money, can we come to an agreement?
by Newbie (420 points)
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Of course, contact me via this mail

[email protected]
0 0
Dude, be careful, he's a scammer!
3 like 1 dislike
This is very suspicious crap... another scam for stupid noobs.
Hiddenfollower is that you again? Stop deceiving people, you *****ing scammer! You're like a dirty virus
by Experienced (7.8k points)
1 0
Look whos *****ing talking!?!?!?!? ***** you Jamato all you do is lead innocent people  astray you asshole

Show me 1 person i scammed PLZ

I dont sell people anything so tell me how i can be a scammer??? ***** you
2 0
And another thing you're saying that guy is a scammer, im not gonna defend him coz i dont know him maybe he is, maybe he isnt but its very interesting to me how you chose to say he is scammer when all he is doing is advertising software he is selling

How can that be enough for you to write someone off as a scammer?? Clearly you're a gatekeeping asshole and an enemy of progression

I bet you're a *****phile in real life you wasteman. I hope you  burn your tongue on hot soup!!!!!!!!!
0 1
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!
I don't blame anyone else, I blame you specifically. I am 150% sure that this is also your account and it is you who are trying to pull off fraudulent schemes here.
This is not a made-up theory. I know exactly what I'm talking about. Your attempts to hide this look ridiculous!!!
Hidden Follower - You are a sneaky scammer.

Tell the noobs about your non-involvement in fraud, and spare me from this. You are smart, but not so smart as to be undetected.
0 0
Away from this foolishness you are talking about, you shouldn't tell me, I am a fraud and did not try me even if I don't really try. I hope you improve your behavior with others because I see that you are quarreling with this person and also says that this account is his account

my regards
1 0
Didnt even bother to deny the *****philia you *****ing clown, you can fool these other noobs with you 7.1k points but im no noob, i know the true depth of the darkweb so i know not to be impressed by your smoke that you want us to believe is fire

I also know that you're a short chubby little curry loving man who doesnt have any true companions in his life

Focus on saving that receding hairline and dont mislead people you tool
0 1
Ha-ha-ha-ha!!! Your pathetic attempts to hurt me are not working and it infuriates you. You have no arguments and you were not ready for me to expose you, that’s why you are trying to insult me ​​and hurt my personality. But I don't care. I may be a bad person, but I see right through scammers and you are just such a smart-ass asshole.
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The only fool here is you, my friend Ha-ha-ha-ha.You just try to deceive people and mislead them from the legal sellers
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I'm very curious, why do I need this? Where is the logic? Unlike you, I'm not trying to sell anything.
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i have already told u check ur email
by Expert (24.2k points)
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You did not send anything my friend