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guys can u help me to find a legit site for buying electronic stuff if it's possible can u link me tanks <3
in Markets & commercial by Upcomer (577 points)

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4 Answers

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why don't you just buy it on aliexpress?
by Newbie (352 points)
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 bro I want original products not fake products

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I think you can look on confirmed Links in a Tor link forum or something like that.

And if you´re still not sure then just use E scrow service I mean if the shops accept´s escrow then that´s a good sign
by Newbie (158 points)
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first it depends on ur country if ur buying from a seller which is not in ur country there are 90% chances that ur parcel will stuck at costums and u have to pay a duty on that product and there are 80% chance that u will get caught
by Expert (23.7k points)
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Bro, we're waiting for your feedback on the multishop. Please give us feedback
by Newbie (225 points)