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  • We have an active community chat for our customers/clients
  • All orders recieve a tracking # so you can keep an eye on when your pack should arrive.
  • 100% landing rate, we have never had a pack fail to land or go missing. Ask our customers yourself!
  • We have THC products, MDMA, LSD, high grade uncut cocaine and much more. Message @Jinz0Flipz on telegram or chatter on the tor browser for a menu and community channel invite!
in Markets & commercial by Guest (129 points)

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4 Answers

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Any proves of your service ?
by Guest (101 points)
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If you send me a dm on telegram I can add you to our channel, we have all of our touch downs posted on there as well as our listings. Also have a review open chat (not for promo) that is active and has plenty of users that can vouch for us. I mean I could send you a picture of our most recent touchdown (07/30) but I feel like that just doesnt do as much justice as asking around in our chat.(if you want the picture i will send it though!) As of rn we have 430 members on the main menu channel and 120 in the review/chat channel. Also have another menu dedicated just for thc products! Feel free to stop by too if youd just like to chat, we dont pressure anyone into making a purchase!

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also my email is [email protected] I have a handful of customers that prefer just hitting me up by email.
3 like 0 dislike
I'd like to see the photo if you don't mind
by Newbie (353 points)
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are u guys are just selling drugs ?

and how u pass parcel by custom ?
by Expert (23.8k points)
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domestic only!
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Forgot the other part of your question! Yes illegal narcotics/psychedelics is our one and only specialty lol. Some of our goods include high grade cocaine, THC products, ketamine S and R isomer, Lsd (paper/gel/liquid), benzos and more!!!
1 like 0 dislike
Buddy, this isn't reddit. Take your expired scam scheme away from here.
by Upcomer (911 points)
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Not a scammer! you can come check us out if youd like, have proven touchdowns and a community chat that has over 100 satisfied customers in it, check us out or not  have a nice one regardless.