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So, I have heard that dnmx email provider not delivering emails, or not receiving some of the emails? How come? I also heard that mail2tor also have issues sometimes? So do that mean we can only trust proton mail?

in Markets & commercial by Guest (105 points)

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3 Answers

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i also prefer proton mail its best
ago by Expert (23.7k points)
3 like 0 dislike
I used the same provider to buy from Football Money.

When getting info about the free match, no problem at all.

When spending money on the site, no response... same sender... I don't know if is the service or the email. In case, which mail to use?
ago by Guest (114 points)
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Same here :(
0 0
I guess these guys are not responding then. Maybe they are taking weekend off
1 0
The same goes for Onion Multishop.
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I don't believe they are scamming, it could possibly be a network/server/smtp issue.

I highly recommend Cock.li instead of those anyways, and mohmal.com for temp emails

ago by Upcomer (789 points)