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Any good/fun ideas to make a service in here? I was thinking of a hitmen/hacker service that allows users to either work doing said services or buy them. Or perhaps a website for jobs, Not sure.

Any thoughts?

I also may could use a partner
ago in Job offers by Upcomer (738 points)

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2 Answers

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You Should Make, Where People Can Hire People For Jobs & People Also Can Find Jobs Or An Chat Like AbleOnion Where People can Join Chats And Discuss In Real Time...
ago by (66 points)
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So basically a job-offering website with a built-in chat.

Thanks a lot, sounds Interesting
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do u have any investment ? or ur trying to find one ? buz hosting a site on dw needs a good investment, depends on what type of site ur going to host.

if u want my advise here it is : if u open a service site if u yourself giving services than its good otherwise there are lot of scammers they will try to scam peoples on ur site and if some one is selling drugs or guns than its too unsafe for u . so for now i think best one is to open a job portal site (as a user already told u) where people came to hire peoples who needs a job its a good idea , i did not seen such site like this which is specially made for hiring .
ago by Expert (23.7k points)