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Hey guys,what do u think about Adolf Hitler, is he was a good person or bad, what's your opinion? let me know, Would Love To Hear. :D
in Politics, wars, problems by Upcomer (552 points)

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19 Answers

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I've never met the guy
by Newbie (432 points)
6 like 0 dislike
i read about him in mein kampf he was smart person and wanted his country to be in another place he was a good person for who see him good and vise versa dont trust the propaganda about him , read about him and judge
by Newbie (339 points)
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It's incredible how easy it is to turn people's minds upside down. Hitler became a hero...??? Are you out of your mind?
6 like 0 dislike
Hitler is the embodiment of evil. His ideas, his policies, his orders and his intentions are against common sense, not to mention humanism. He is a psychopath who was not hospitalized in time.
by Upcomer (539 points)
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Hitler ultimately was just another pawn in the intricate web of political actors propped up by the usual parasitical hidden enemies. I believe that somewhere along the way he figured he had been set up for failure in order to dismantle Germany. I enjoyed his Mein Kampf but he didn't manage to really uncover the real occult complexities of the "jewish problem". He probably did later on but by than he had no time to put it into writing.
by Expert (25.6k points)
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He was another avatar of Thanos
by Guest (100 points)
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strange question. If you think that people's death is normal, that human rights should not be respected, that people should be divided into those who have the right to live and those who do not have the right to live, if human life is not a value for you... then of course you can question the personality of Adolf Hitler and discuss this topic. Otherwise, the answer is clear - he is a terrible person.
by Active (2.6k points)
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Adolf Hitler is a real monster
by Active (2.1k points)
1 like 0 dislike
This is a stupid question, Hitler was a sick man, a sadist.
by Newbie (364 points)
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I will not evaluate his activities, I think it is clear to everyone. But at the same time he was definitely an outstanding leader and a very smart person
by Newbie (231 points)
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A good person at heart, he had respect for certain things. But twisted by his piers, and culture, scared by ww1, and filled with German propaganda (also incredibly racist), and had a superiority complex. Now his actions were his actions, and there is no way to justify his doings. I would have wished him the pain of all the Jews that died, and the suffering according to.
by Newbie (164 points)