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How do I go about buying lethal poison, or some kind of lethal chemical that leaves no traces behind? I don't know what to look/search for. Must be lethal and in tiny quantity. Like, a one time deal. I saw a lot of poisons for sale on the darknet, but I'm afraid of scams or getting caught.
in Other by Guest (136 points)

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1 Answer

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Don't buy poisons here, as you have said, its mostly scams. Plus you can make it yourself quite easily and probably cheaper.
Anyway, I think ricin is the perfect option for you. It can be extracted from castor beans, which you can buy on the clearnet. If you want to be extra cautious, don't use your real address or credit card. Or just simply wait a few months after buying them, if you have the time to do so.

The best part is that it kills in ~4 days, hence making it a really good choice if you want to leave no traces (you can fly to a different end of the world by then).

I found some tutorial on how to extract it on here: ***LINKS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS CATEGORY***

by Newbie (288 points)
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Thanks for the info! I just looked up the tutorial. This is too risky, health wise and being caught doing it.

I have to buy a "Hazmat suit with 3M 6800 full face mask with organic vapor filter (VERY IMPORTANT)".

Then it says that "these chemicals are highly toxic and have a high chance of killing you if you are not careful."

I really thought the darknet was an easy place to buy poison, that's already made. I'm sure there's someone out there selling this stuff, the real stuff, but probably not advertising it to the whole world. I wouldn't.

The search continues....