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hey anybody got any recipes for drugs that i can make at home from stuff i can buy in a normal supermarket?
in Other by Newbie (150 points)

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5 Answers

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Probably not, its not that easy to make drugs.

However you can get high by inhaling lighter gas or toluene (paint thinner) fumes, but DO NOT DO IT IF YOU VALUE YOUR BRAIN CELLS. Its seriously toxic to your brain, so it will basically make you stupid. Another option would be to inhale nitrous oxide, which is quite safe, but it only makes you high for 10 minutes at most, and its not very cheap (if you even find it in the first place).

Or if you want, you can grow weed or magic mushrooms at home quite easily, and the seeds/spores are available almost everywhere online (even on clearnet). Although it takes time, it would definitely make you feel a lot better than inhaling paint thinners or trying to make a drug from laundry detergent.
by Newbie (288 points)
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just eat some nutmeg that shit get u high can feel like a strong weed.
by Guest (131 points)
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There are a few, you just need to know what you're gonna need and how you'll acquire it in the first place. I recommend you researching more drugs and their productions (even on the clearnet, easy to find) so you can decide which one fits your parameters the best, and is the most comfortable for you, just be careful and be safe.
by Newbie (491 points)
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Meth, but you will probably blow your home up.
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buy a seed online and growing light, and grow weed.