76 like 18 dislike
Buying a cloned card is a very attractive prospect. But there are many myths and fictions around this topic, and there are a lot of scammers online.

Tell us everything you know about it.
Do you know how to safely buy a card?
If you have experience of a successful purchase, tell us.
If you know the seller's legit, tell us.
If you know a scammer, tell us.

Let's help each other. By uniting we can improve our security.

Don't be silent, tell us everything you know about it.
in Markets & commercial by Active (2.0k points)

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24 Answers

35 like 1 dislike
I have been looking for a real seller for almost a year. Now I know where to buy, the only legal site is Astaricon.
After being added to the client area, I received very favorable terms of cooperation. The only drawback is the long wait for response and delivery, but you can live with that.
If you want fast, hassle-free shipping to give your order priority, offer to pay extra for it.
Perhaps there are still legit sites with cloned maps, but I don’t know.
Good luck to all of you!
by Newbie (280 points)
3 0
Thank you friend! I bought here on your recommendation and received the cards. And it didn’t take long, they answered me quickly and after 4 days I received my order.
3 0
Yes, this site is legit.
1 0
is this still legit? Has anyone shopped here recently?
1 0
Yes I agree. I use this too.
1 0
Would it be unwise to, once withdrawing the money from the card, deposit it onto your actual bank account?
Has anyone actually done this before?
1 0
what are actually the benefits of the client area? do you get faster response? what do u mean by favorable terms of cooperation
32 like 2 dislike
I'm currently looking for a legitimate seller.
I just want to say one thing. NEVER contact a service called DeepMarket!!! Never believe it! This is a scammer!!

These are all fraudulent links. And I don't know how many more links this asshole has. He has many clones, but he's all one damn scammer. There is NOT a single real site called DeepMarket! Be careful.
1 1
This is one of the most famous scammers on the darknet. Only naive beginners don’t know about it
1 1
yes, he is a dirty scammer. Just a moral freak
1 0
so many people have fallen for that asshole scammer
29 like 1 dislike
To make a good profit from cloned cards, it is better to order at least five cards. Some cards come across with a very small or even zero balance. I order 6-10 cards at once, in this case I always get a good profit, even if two or three cards turn out to be empty.
by Newbie (224 points)
2 0
Hello, can you tell me where you ordered the cards?
25 like 1 dislike
In general, ordering cloned cards and receiving money is quite easy.
Cash out the card immediately, withdraw all the money and destroy the card.
by Newbie (471 points)
24 like 1 dislike

This is a *****ing fagot! Deception, deception, deception!!!
He took my money and tried to take more! Beware! Scammer!!!!
by Newbie (484 points)
18 like 0 dislike
CCDump is a scam. I tried to buy and lost my money, after paying I simply stopped responding to my emails.
Beware, scammer!!!!
by Newbie (378 points)
3 0
*****ing mother*****er, I know it's a scam
3 0
What a pity that I saw this too late. I've already paid him. Damn!
8 like 0 dislike
Is there a legit website where you can buy a cloned card?
by Guest (121 points)
2 1
7 like 0 dislike
Here are a couple of safety tips.
1. Place your order to a different address. You can go to your neighbors or to the postal terminal, or maybe to the address of an apartment that is rented.
2. Do not buy anything on the Internet and it is advisable not to buy anything in large stores. It's best to just withdraw cash.
3. When withdrawing cash, hide your face; most ATMs have surveillance cameras.
4. Withdraw the entire amount from the card at once and after that, cut the card and get rid of it.
5. It’s better to go to another city to cash out the card.
6. When ordering, use an anonymous wallet and email, do not use popular clearnet services.

Good luck. If you do everything correctly, there will be no problems.
4 0
Thanks man, those are valuable tips. I think everything will be handled correctly.
2 1
Complete nonsense!!!
Why make things so complicated? This can lead to paranoia!!!
Everything is much simpler!

As long as you have not used the card and withdrawn cash, there are no questions or complaints against you at all. Therefore, it makes no difference what address you order to! These are just platinum cards, there is nothing prohibited about that. It could be an ordinary envelope; no check or postal control will pay attention to it.

Everything else is also superfluous. I only agree that you should get rid of the card after cashing it out.
4 0
Ah-ha-ha-ha!!!!! LOL! Do you like playing spies so much?
No one cares, no one needs you or these miniature amounts of money. In most cases, the actual card owner does not even realize that some money is missing from his account. And even if he understands, no one goes to the police, since there is no fact of theft, nor is there any fact of deception. No one will go to the police with the question: oh, I have less money... Ah-haha-ha! Even if some eccentric goes to the police, they will simply laugh at him there.

So this is all just bullshit! Don’t think that you are being watched, no one needs you!
2 1
It's really not worth paying for purchases using a cloned card. Only cash withdrawal, then everything will be fine!
1 1
It is true that you should not make purchases and should destroy the card after withdrawing cash. Everything else is nonsense, which is done only by inexperienced amateurs...
6 like 0 dislike
I tried to buy a cloned card many times. I lost a lot of money, there are a lot of scammers online.

Now I ordered Astaricon on the website.
I paid for the order and received payment confirmation. I already have access to the client area, but have not yet received confirmation of the order being sent. It's been a day already.
I'll wait and write here later what happens.
by Newbie (360 points)
1 0
Hello. So what happened, did you receive your order?
1 0
Oh yes! I received my order and have already placed several new orders! There are very favorable conditions in the client area. I was so glad that everything worked out for me and this site turned out to be real, I just forgot to write about it here.
5 like 0 dislike
by Newbie (301 points)