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How to make sure that employees do not deceive? Where to look for normal prices? How big is the profit from this? Is the money worth all the risks? How to keep anonymity? What to do if there is a risk that the police will notice suspicious money? (How to launder money?) What to do if tied? How to reduce the sentence in advance? Thank you if you answer

in Other by Newbie (214 points)

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5 Answers

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depends how much you want to earn. 100's of dollars? 1000's of dollars? or 10,000 of thousands of dollars? Now if you wanna earn 100s of dollars, just buy weed or some shit of a local plug and sell it to your friends for more. 1000s or 10,000s of thousands of dollars? grow your own shit. And dont sell any hardcore drugs or your a *****ing scumbag and you should kys.
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one question at a time faggot
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You put questions that can not be answered...because there are no general answers...

How to make sure that employees do not deceive?  -- You can not be sure ... you must risk
Where to look for normal prices? -  Doesn't exist a normal price.... Maybe lower price or maxim price...but a normal price .... we do not have any norm here... in order for us to call it normal..... Normal is a system where you have Norms and apply them .... here you have your own normal...

Is the money worth all the risks?   At this question , only you who Ask will know the answer..... if it is or not......   You can not let somebody else to telling you   it is worth or not..... you must TAKE THAT DECISION ..... Make a list with ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES .....   Imagine worst scenario  in concordance with your geo location and where you are operative .... there are different laws all over the world....  

How to keep anonymity? -  Working Remote!

What to do if there is a risk that the police will notice suspicious money?  Use XMR and police never can trace back!

How to launder money?    XMR - BTC - FIAT

How to reduce the sentence in advance?   You will not need , as soon as you will never be in-front of a judge!
by Upcomer (662 points)
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I know, where get Xanax original, from the pharmacy. Good price.
by Guest (144 points)
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I got started on Breaking Bad forum, you can sell drugs there.

I think selling over the darknet is way better and more secure than in real life.

You can't make sure employees don't decieve, but lower the risk by not letting them know to much, chose people you trust, keep the number low

Prices depend on location, you might find something interesting on the internet, or look at the prices of other dealers from your ares (in the darknet)

Profit can vary, and I mean vary from a few hundred a year too millions (although rather unlikely). Depends on how much you sell, which scales, on whether you sell small scale on the street or bulk to the people then selling on the street, as well as which drug and which area.

Everyone has to chose for themself whether the money is worth the risk, I personally say yes.

Use crypto, store your money on different banks (if even doing so what I wouldn't recommend at all, just use crypto). Don't appear rich for no reason.

Store drugs in different locations, if they only find a part of them and trace it back to you you will only get accused for this part.
by Upcomer (695 points)