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I am looking for a strategic partner to recharge personal and business bank accounts Bin 455103 / 455788.
I have the direct contact that can receive us or receive large amounts (millions).
The money is delivered clean and without problems... or in BTC/USDT, the origin of the funds does not matter.
Availability of more than 100 full access accounts, all these people work directly for him.

in Other by Guest (125 points)

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5 Answers

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Why don't you use it yourself?
by Newbie (250 points)
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I can help you funding your drops, if you do your part of work!
by Upcomer (652 points)
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Does anyone know what this method is? I've never heard of such a thing. Is it really possible to make money or is it just another scam?
by Active (2.4k points)
0 0
It is a scam...

you will be scammed by 25$
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Why is this scam tread still up?
by Expert (25.7k points)