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Need an american willing to do a live verification for a casino site for 50 bucks per account
in Job offers by (85 points)

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14 Answers

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Tell me in more detail what needs to be done?
by Newbie (209 points)
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you create a yahoo or aol account use it to register the casino and then fully verify the casino(it will need some personal details btw) then once i can confirm its verified i send 50 bucks in crypto..btc or usdt
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I'd like to try
by Experienced (5.3k points)
0 0
alrigth message my wall or my tel which is Oedipus2
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hey, I can do it if you're still doing this.
by Newbie (157 points)
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I don't have American citenzship, but I live there. If this is also good, I'd be interested.
by Upcomer (684 points)