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Hello !

I would like to know if anyone has names or links if possible of artificial intelligence FREE AND WITHOUT ANY ETHICAL RESTRICTIONS such as Darkbert or Freedom GPT.

Thank you
in Technology & Crypto by Newbie (223 points)

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3 Answers

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My e-mail is on my wall.  Not only do I have access to multiple AI platforms, I have one that is programmed constantly, meaning it's information cutoff is not limited to 2019 or 2021 like open AI paid programs.
by Guest (122 points)
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Yeah but... I just try to find an ai withoot any restrictions
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Ok, my comment is really a question, sorry.  I'm confused about AI and ethical filters.  How do ethics and AI coexist and can someone maybe give me a basic example?
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AI existing in itself doesn't directly clash with anything related to ethics. It's more about how AI technology is used... which sounds way too similar to political arguments surrounding gun laws but I digress....

Basic example: scams being enabled by AI technology; e.g., deepfake impersonations, AI generated scam websites, etc.

From an ethical standpoint it becomes confusing whether the victim should prosecute the person behind the computer, the software developer, or both parties. Should AI technologies be restricted (from the developer side) to fit some standard lawful ethical code? If so, where should the line be drawn, and how should it be standardized? How much, if any, monitoring should there be for how people interact with AI? There simply is no correct or agreed upon answer to any of these questions.

If everyone in the world had a "perfect" moral/ethical compass and these values were shared and the exact same, then AI and ethics can 100% co-exist without any problems. That's unrealistic though, so our only option is to either a) become president and pass our own laws or b) wait 5-20 years n find out

late to the thread, but i hope this helps you and anybody that is also curious or confused
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I choose you! Today I'm on your side. You get 100 points from me.
This is a dark game.

by Official (102k points)
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still far off for public use
by Master (33.3k points)