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Dear autists, incels, degenerates, jobless scammers, armchair generals, keyboard warriors and mentally crippled religious fanatics, this question is dedicated for your projections regarding the changes in the world order that will take place in the next decade in the light of the current events.

While everyone is following current events, either with concern or with excitement, turmoil seems to spread around the globe at a faster pace than ever before. People smarter than you and I are re-adjusting their long term strategy and projections about our future.

Things are changing, and they are changing fast.

Hot zones of conflict with pop-up in multiple regions of the globe and a confrontation between the western axis and the eastern one will materialize through proxy (like Libya, Syria and Ukraine) and/or direct wars. Agricultural output is expected to suffer from severe shortages due to the fertilizer crisis ahead of us and to the recent changes in climate.

Political thinkers in the west are trying to figure out how to reposition their pieces in the light of current events in the middle east and eastern Europe all while evaluating the chances of the opening of another front in china. The Iranian axis, or as they call it, the axis of resistance has been moving troops and hardware through Syria and Iraq in the last days and the internal stability in Arab countries neighboring Israel will deteriorate.

The ground invasion in Gaza will spark unprecedented protests in Jordan and Egypt which might turn into civil unrest. For the first time since years, people have filled the streets in El Tahrir Square in Egypt calling for change. Israeli jet fighters are seen flying over Lebanese cities and villages all while the Hezbollah leaders maintain a martial stance.

And while the US are trying to limit the scope of the war in the middle east, and figure out a way to keep control of both the eastern European and the middle eastern fronts, China remains silent. Their intelligentsia is evaluating the optimal way for them to take advantage of the current events, i.e. taking Taiwan.

At the same time, a new wave of french-averse military coups started in west Africa while it's relations with north African countries keeps deteriorating.

What will be the next zone of conflicts? How will the situation in current hot zones evolve? How will that affect world trade and world economy? I'm excited to hear about your theories even the most absurd.
in Politics, wars, problems by Master (33.3k points)

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4 Answers

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*****, this is a really important topic. I have nothing to say yet. But I would really like to know the opinions of many.
by Official (102k points)
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I will gladly wait for your opinions and I will share more of my thoughts as people answer.

* still waiting for real interaction about this topic. I believe it is important.
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This is an incredibly difficult question. It seems there are no specialists here. But personally, I think that the process cannot be stopped. The world will change. And before big changes there is always a big disaster.
by Experienced (9.9k points)
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many countries will have severe economic problems and will be forced to change their strategies.
Military conflicts will continue for a long time.
by Experienced (7.5k points)
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Let me bump this one by giving a clue re what I think things are going: Ben Gurion Canal Project VS Suez Canal...
by Master (33.3k points)