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I understand why there aren't any on the clearnet, but come on, this is the dark web. If serial killers only killed people who wanted to die, whether because they're suicidal or because they have intense fantasies like mine, I think it would be far better than them just killing people who want to live and definitely don't consent.
in Other by Advanced (4.0k points)

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1 Answer

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The simple answer is that there isn't much demand for that type of thing. Most people would opt for some type of assisted suicide. Look at Canada, Belgium and the Netherlands. Moreover, one thing you have to understand is that what we call serial-killers are very rare and damaged individuals. Most often they are "known" by intelligence agencies or organised crime syndicates and would be assets used for whatever nefarious reasons, sort of like indentured slaves. Most often they are products of extreme torture and mind control from an early age. So one doesn't just whatsapp a serial killer to fulfil a fantasy.

by Master (33.3k points)