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After death clinic humans 100% moral?See Heaven and Hell and select Heaven?But what if someone from him now accept putin?That Evil?
in Politics, wars, problems by Active (1.5k points)

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5 Answers

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I dunno and i don't care
by Experienced (12.1k points)
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Bro English is not your forte eeeyyy?

Are you asking whether it would be moral if after you died and went to heaven you found Mr Putin waiting in the lobby in-front of you? I think that would be quite funny.
by Master (33.3k points)
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Dude, I don't understand a thing. What are you asking about?
by Experienced (9.9k points)
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enjoy the pills you take. Looks like it's fun!
by Experienced (5.3k points)
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Is this some kind of fantasy?
Take it easy. There is nothing after death. Therefore, when you die, it will not matter to you where and what Mr. Putin does.
by Experienced (6.1k points)